Pain Relief Device – Could Solio Be The Answer?

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Whether you’re not expecting it, or you live with some form of it daily, pain is one of the worst things to have to deal with. Fibromyalgia pain in particular, can be especially difficult to live with and while medication sometimes helps, it is not always the best solution for everyone. I wanted to find something, a pain relief device that could help reduce pain without the potential side effects that typically accompany various drugs.

Finally, I came across a little machine called Solio Alfa Plus. I was intrigued by the device and wanted to know more about how the technology behind it worked as well as some helpful feedback from those who have used it. Would it help reduce pain or was it simply too good to be true? I would like to share my findings with you in this review article so that you are better informed about the product.

What is it, and how does it work?

Solio can be purchased online, without a prescription.

The Solio Alfa Plus is a safe, FDA approved handheld device that one can use in the comfort of their own home, on any part of the body for the treatment of chronic pain, muscle aches and stiffness. Their website also mentions a potential muscle relaxing effect and benefit of improved range of motion. Solio is doctor recommended, available without a prescription and can be purchased online. Solio also comes with a safe, unscented, conductive gel called Slider Gel that must be applied to the skin for the proper delivery of the treatment; it also enables the device to move smoothly over the treatment area.

The technology

Solio uses three different energy sources that treat pain by increasing circulation, reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair. The three types of energy sources are as follows:

Bi-polar radiofrequency (RF) energy

Solio uses Bi-polar radiofrequency to reach muscles and joints in order to increase blood circulation and draw oxygen to the affected area.

LLLT energy

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) also known as Low Level Light Therapy is a low intensity light with a wavelength in the red to near infrared spectrum. The effect is photochemical which means the reactions involve absorption of light, unlike thermal reactions which involves the absorption of heat and can occur even in the dark.

This type of energy can be used to treat muscle spasms and, according to NCBI, these wavelengths have the ability to penetrate skin and soft and hard tissue. They are proven in clinical trials to have a positive effect on pain, inflammation and tissue repair. Results with LLLT therapy include a reduction in inflammation, pain relief and accelerated tissue regeneration.

RI Heat Energy

Infra red (RI) Heat energy is a form of light that we cannot see because it occurs at wavelengths just below red light. However, we can detect it with our skin. Solio Alfa Plus uses Infra red and red spectrum light, light with dual wavelengths for treating skin pain and stiffness.

Does it relieve pain?

Solio can help with pain due to sports related injuries.

Personally, I’ve heard some great things from those I know, that have used it, including those with fibromyalgia. These include reports of less nerve pain, less muscle pain, less joint stiffness, better circulation and up to 40% improvement in range of motion after six weeks of continued use.

The Solio Alfa Plus not only helps treat fibromyalgia pain, but can treat various other medical conditions, such as arthritis, problems related to poor circulation, menstrual pain, trauma and sports injuries.

Is it easy to use?

Almost all the people I’ve spoken with agreed that the device was simple to use, easy to operate, lightweight and comfortable to hold. The machine is also fast acting, you can feel a slight heat generated by this pain relief device and in no time, you know that it’s doing it’s job.

How long will it take to work?

I’ve spoken with a hand-full of people who have been using the device for different reasons and for various amounts of time, most have stated that they’ve noticed some immediate positive effect as well as significant overall improvement within the first week or two of continual use.

On the pruduct website, they state that while you likely will feel some relief after your first use, it may take a few sessions to fully recognize the relief and healing benefits. They recommend a 15 to 20 min session, once a day. It is also safe to use anywhere on the body and can be use in conjunction with other therapies.

How much does it cost?

This device sells for $499 on the company’s website. I found the price to be about mid-range for this type of device. I looked at economical and more expensive models by various other companies and this one seems to be the best in terms of quality for dollars spent. We spend so much money on products that don’t improve our health or come with devastating side effects, it’s great to find something that works!

I believe you would get so much more out of this device then many other products for chronic pain available on the market today. Another thing I liked about the Solio Alfa Plus is that it comes with a 60-day money back guarantee and a two-year warranty, It’s nice to see a company that really stands behind their product.

Want to save an extra $100 or so more this product? I found the best price, as of the time of this writing, (and free shipping most of the time) through amazon. Hint: The Solio Alfa Plus can also make a great gift for someone special; after all, I can’t think of a greater gift then relief from chronic pain, can you?

More to come!

Solio has developed a full range of high-end technologies that are small, user-friendly, affordable and specifically designed for home use. If you have tried the Solio Alfa plus or another one of their products, we would love to hear what your thoughts are in the comments section below. Click here for more ideas on how to reduce pain naturally.

Help us help others out there by letting us know if this or something similar has helped you, how it has helped you, if it has helped a friend or loved one with the pain they struggle with, or even if you are just wanting to give this a try risk-free in the future. No one should have to live with chronic pain, no matter what the cause.

Thank you or visiting!

16 thoughts on “Pain Relief Device – Could Solio Be The Answer?

  1. KingAndrea

    Having a device as useful as solio Alfa plus I a really idea that will be of great help to the owner and it’ll also improve healthy lifestyle. What makes some of these products really far away from people is the price they charge for it, it is nice to know that solio Alfa is not as expensive as I contenders. I’ll share this article to some other platforms, it’s very useful. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Michelle Post author

      Thank you for the comment and for wanting to share the article, i’m glad you found it helpful. You are right, many people spend a lot more money, myself included, on treatments that don’t work, so happy to be able to present an alternative.

  2. Rodarrick

    Well! To say the truth, I am very impressed with the things I have read about solio here and truly, it is surely a worthy and should not be a problem to get so far it offers the best when it comes to relieving the pains. I play soccer and I am very injury prone, hence, if this works well, it would be much easier for me to suggest to my friends too. Thanks

  3. Ivan

    This is a fantastic review! The Solio Alfa Plus seems like a great solution for pain relief. I don’t have any pains, but this machine could be of great use to my parents since they both are getting into an age where all the pains are getting stronger. It sounds excellent, and it’s safe and easy to use also. Have you been using the machine yourself?

    1. Michelle Post author

      thank you for your comment. I have used the Solia Alfa Plus with great results. Unfortunately though I don’t own one yet, but will be soon! I borrowed one for the sake of this review post and was quite surprised by how much I liked it, Im sure your parents will too!

  4. Christine

    I think the price is good. If you think about it, we spend indeed so much money on medications and pain relievers, which over the years certainly go in the hundreds of dollars; so investing in the solio machine could be a good and healthier alternative. I would prefer it. Great that Amazon offers a better price. Is this also available on Amazon prime? 

    How many treatments would you say were needed until you’d start feeling the effects? 

    1. Michelle Post author

      Yes, I agree. I think the price is very reasonable considering all the money that is spent on products that are not effective or come with dangerous side effects. I personally began to notice a significant reduction in pain within the first week, using it for about 20 mins a day. As for it being available on Amazon Prime, I’m not sure if it in the US because I live in Canada and I don’t think it is on Prime here. However they do offer free, fast shipping at the best price I’ve found so far. I hope this was helpful to you and thanks so much for the comment!

  5. Henderson

    Wow, this solio product is a very good one that everyone should get. I see that people are really making use of it from the fact that you mentioned that you asked a number of people about it. That is in fact very very good and I really admire that. I think that I should also get one of it to help me reduce the pain that i feel at my back from sitting for too long. Solio has really done well. Nice post!

    1. Michelle Post author

      Thanks for your comment. Yes in my job, I’m always talking to people about pain management, and although I don’t own one…yet, this is something I’ve personally tried. I’m glad you liked the review article and hope the Solio works for you too.

  6. Elliot

    Your health post is good readable review. I like the way you put together information about other chronic pain and none chronic pain that can be monitored by solio. 

    Your website is perfect, very educational and informative. My question is what are the main disadvantages of using this pain reliever device? Did you come across any? 

    The device uses radiation, passes through none conditioned cells (cells that are not mutated or infected) that can be prone to cancer, oncogenic. 

    Here please edit and write monitors instead of treat. “” Helps treat fibromyalgia pain, but can treat various other medical conditions, such as arthritis, problems related to poor circulation, menstrual pain, trauma and sports injuries””. 

    I personal didn’t know anything about this beautiful device. I’ve learnt a lot, thank you for your informative article.

  7. Michelle Post author

    Thanks Elliot for the comment! I’m glad you have found this review to be helpful. To answer your question, I haven’t really found any disadvantages for using the Solio, except that it may take longer for some individuals to experience the pain relief benefits. It requires a bit of patents and consistent use, but most people do see results rather fast.

  8. John

    Its the first time that I am seeing a product that can be used to reduce body pains like this one. I am very impressed, to be honest and I like the product as well. Technology has really advanced the course of humanity and this product is evidence. Yo have carried out a very useful research and I like the result that we have gotten here, I would like to buy this pain relief machine. This is very good. Nice work!

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hi John,
      Thanks so much for the comment, I’m glad you have found the article helpful and I hope that once you have given this device a try, you share your results with us. Technology is advancing so why not take advantage with something like this that can relieve pain without the use of drugs. Thanks again!

  9. Ramos

    This solio alpha seems very impressing and I would only be lying if I were to say that i do not found it great. I like the handiness and the quality performance especially for pain relieves.  I always get into injuries alot and I recently injured my back which seldomly gives me pain. This would truly be the game changer for me as I would be able to use it at will. Thanks so much for sharing all the information here. Hearing others opinion makes it much more convincing that it is very good. Great one.

    1. Michelle Post author

      Yes, it is a great product, especially for a sore back which is what I suffer from. Thanks for the comment Ramos and I hope your back is feeling better soon!


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