Fibromyalgia Exercise Programs – My Top 3 Picks

Bellow, you will find my top three favorite fibromyalgia exercise programs. I have personally reviewed all of these e-book programs and will give you information, insight and of course my honest opinion and rating for each. The first two programs contain a nutritional element as well as other great information and the last one is a pilates program designed for those with back and joint pain. Each one is great, it basically just boils down to which one will best suit your needs.

#1 Get Your Health Back – Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Freedom

Type of program: Full diet and exercise program designed for those with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue.

Cost of program: $37.95

Format: e-book

Author: NA

Money back guarantee: yes

My rating: 9.5 out 10

The author prefers to remain nameless, as there are so many fake names out there on the internet anyway. I wasn’t too put off by this, but curious. I would have preferred a name to go with the program, but that’s just me. What I like is the fact that he points out right off the bat that his program is not super easy and that it will take some effort. In other words, it’s not a ‘get well quick’ system.

If however, the individual is willing to put forth the time and effort required, the results can be amazing. The claim is that you can fight fatigue, depression, anxiety, lose weight and basically get your health back. The program follows no specific time frame as everyone is different and recovers differently. Ultimately this will hold true no matter which exercise program you choose, still most people do notice a difference within the first 6 to 8 weeks or so.

A different approach

While I appreciate this honest approach to exercise and nutrition, I wanted to find out whether this program was all it appeared to be or simply too good to be true. I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised! The information contained here is quite good, written by someone who actually suffers from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue himself. The nutritional information is based on a gluten free paleo diet ( which I would recommend) and the exercises and stretches are easy enough for beginners to do.

I like the fact that Get Your Health Back covers more than exercise, although there is of course a comprehensive fitness component in it too. It is divided into 7 sections. In part 1, he discusses fatigue and pain management. In part 2, he talks about mental health, part 3 covers the importance of diet, part 4 is about fitness and exercise, which includes work out videos. Part 5 pertains to other symptoms, including headaches and IBS. Part 6 includes 369 recipes and part 7, a nutrition plan.

Saving you money

It can be difficult for some to find the right type of exercise or fibro friendly diet to follow and let’s face it, the cost of a personal trainer, health coach and nutritionist add up fast. This program is a bit more expensive than the rest on this review, but I do feel that you are getting a lot more in terms of information. It would also cost a lot more in the long run for those trips to the gym. This is great for those who are looking for a complete health system and don’t want to leave anything to chance.

You also receive bonus literature at no extra charge, which are: reducing blood sugar naturally, ways to stop sugar cravings (so important) immune system recovery, junk food destroyer and coconut miracle. There are over 700 pages available for easy download and it also comes with a 60 day risk free money back guarantee. All in all, I’d say it’s great value for the money. Click here if you would like to try it for 60 days risk free.

# 2 Fibromyalgia-Fitness – 12 Weeks to a Healthier You.

Type of program: Fitness workout program with nutritional component designed for those who have fibromyalgia.

Cost of program: $5.99 – $7.99

Format: e-book

Author: Eric Suarez

Money back guarantee: Yes

My rating: 9 out of 10

I recently came across this program specifically designed for those who would like to engage in more physical activity and have fibromyalgia, it’s called Fibromyalgia-Fitness by Eric Suarez. Eric Suarez is a certified personal trainer who has experience in training clients with fibromyalgia and helping them improve their symptoms through exercise and changes in diet.

After being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at a young age, (which has no cure, like fibromyalgia and can be very painful) he took a more natural, healthier approach to life. His program seems to be centered more on fitness, but still includes wonderful dietary suggestions (that I would also recommend as a health coach) , while the exercises are meant to be low impact and easy on the joints.

Program details

Eric Suez claims that his program can help you fight fatigue, chronic pain and improve your well-being through fitness and getting the body moving again safely. As a certified trainer myself, I can see how this can truly benefit people, especially those with fibromyalgia. The muscles and fascia need to be worked and stretched, otherwise they will not work as efficiently. The old saying is true “if you don’t use it, you lose it.”

As I mentioned, the program centers around fitness for FMS, but it also offers some diet information and is designed for people who need some motivation to work out (we all do at times) by offering daily guidance. There is a 12 week or the latest version which is a 7 week program. I know that a lot can be accomplished in just a few weeks, but that does make it sound a little gimmicky to me. If it’s working for you don’t put a time limit on it! Still it costs less than a fast food meal and could help you get healthier.

Convenient and affordable

I also like the fact that the product is downloadable so one could start taking advantage of the information right away. It is also at a very good price point, so it is very affordable for the average consumer. If you are interested in a very reasonably priced, quality fitness routine and diet plan that you can do safely, in the comfort of your own home, risk free, then Click here  to give fibromyalgia- fitness a try!

# 3 Pilates – Relief For Back And Joint Pain

Type of program: Pilates workout and breathing techniques designed for those with joint and back pain.

Cost of program: $20.00

Format: e-book

Author: Jennifer Adolfs M.S.S

Money back guarantee: Yes

My rating: 9 out of 10

Although this particular program is not advertised for fibromyalgia specifically, I felt that Pilates – Relief For Back and Joint Pain still deserved a spot on this list. This may be the answer for those that are unsure if they can partake in a regular fitness program because of sever fibromyalgia or arthritic pain or because of a previous back, spine or neck injury. Pilates is less vigorous or strenuous, but don’t let that fool you. It can still provide a great workout and stretching for the muscles, joins and fascia that and can help strengthen the core as well as ease all over joint pain.

What is Pilates

Pilates follows specific exercises designed to strengthen and stabilize the core. It has also been shown to increase muscle tone and flexibility. I’m impressed with the program as it has a complete Pilates workout (plus a bonus) and offers beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. The advanced level can still be performed by anyone, but this does give people a chance to ‘build up’, especially if they are new to exercise.

The instructor Jennifer Adolfs is an advanced mat and equipment certified Pilates instructor with over 16 years experience in the field. She also holds a certification through the American Council on Exercise (the same company I received my certification) as a Clinical Exercise Specialist. I also like the transparency here, if you are not satisfied with your purchase for whatever reason, there is a money back guarantee.

What you will learn

Through trial and error she has developed an extensive repertoire of exercises she finds most beneficial for bone and joint conditions. She will be sharing all this with you! Learn how to breathe properly, the 6 steps of Pilates and how to strengthen, tone and help your posture at any age! There are men and woman in their 90s doing Pilates. Although this program does not include nutrition info, (I have not deducted any points for that) it is certainly worth a look. If you are interested in this Pilates program, simply click Here, to try it out in your own home, risk free.

Let us know your thoughts

Exercise is so important for everyone, but particularly for those who suffer with fibromyalgia and other conditions with symptoms of chronic pain and fatigue. If you have had a chance to try one of these fibromyalgia exercise programs out, let us know what you thought of any of the products mentioned, in the comments section below. We are also interested to know your thoughts on this review and if you found it helpful.

Thanks for visiting, and good luck on your exercise journey!

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